mod tools; use eframe::egui; use egui_code_editor::{CodeEditor, ColorTheme}; use std::{path::Path, path::PathBuf, fs, io, env, cmp::max, cmp::min}; const TERMINAL_HEIGHT : f32 = 200.0; const RED : egui::Color32 = egui::Color32::from_rgb(235, 108, 99); const HISTORY_LENGTH : usize = 2; fn main() -> Result<(), eframe::Error> { tools::loaded(); env_logger::init(); // Log to stderr (if you run with `RUST_LOG=debug`). let options = eframe::NativeOptions { viewport: egui::ViewportBuilder::default() .with_inner_size([1200.0, 800.0]) .with_drag_and_drop(true), ..Default::default() }; eframe::run_native( "Calcifer", options, Box::new(|_cc| Box::::default()), ) } struct Calcifer { selected_tab : tools::TabNumber, tabs: Vec, command: String, command_history: Vec, theme: ColorTheme, } impl Default for Calcifer { fn default() -> Self { Self { selected_tab : tools::TabNumber::Zero, tabs: vec![ tools::Tab::default()], command: "".into(), command_history: Vec::new(), theme: tools::themes::CustomColorTheme::fire() } } } impl eframe::App for Calcifer { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) { if ctx.input( |i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::S) && i.modifiers.ctrl) { if let Some(path) = self.save_tab() { println!("File saved successfully at: {:?}", path); self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()].path = path; } else { println!("File save failed."); } } if ctx.input( |i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::S) && i.modifiers.ctrl && i.modifiers.shift) { if let Some(path) = self.save_tab_as() { println!("File saved successfully at: {:?}", path); self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()].path = path; } else { println!("File save failed."); } } if ctx.input( |i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::Z) && i.modifiers.ctrl) { self.undo(); } self.draw_settings(ctx); self.draw_tree_panel(ctx); self.draw_terminal_panel(ctx); self.draw_tab_panel(ctx); self.draw_content_panel(ctx); } } impl Calcifer { fn draw_settings(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context) { egui::TopBottomPanel::top("settings") .resizable(false) .show(ctx, |ui| { ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.label("Theme "); egui::ComboBox::from_label("") .selected_text(format!("{}", .show_ui(ui, |ui| { ui.style_mut().wrap = Some(false); ui.set_min_width(60.0); ui.selectable_value(&mut self.theme, ColorTheme::SONOKAI, "Sonokai"); ui.selectable_value(&mut self.theme, ColorTheme::AYU_DARK, "Ayu Dark"); ui.selectable_value(&mut self.theme, ColorTheme::AYU_MIRAGE, "Ayu Mirage"); ui.selectable_value(&mut self.theme, ColorTheme::GITHUB_DARK, "Github Dark"); ui.selectable_value(&mut self.theme, ColorTheme::GRUVBOX, "Gruvbox"); ui.selectable_value(&mut self.theme, tools::themes::CustomColorTheme::fire(), "Fire"); ui.selectable_value(&mut self.theme, tools::themes::CustomColorTheme::ash(), "Ash"); }); }); }); } fn draw_tree_panel(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context) { egui::SidePanel::left("file_tree_panel").show(ctx, |ui| { ui.heading("Bookshelf"); if ui.add(egui::Button::new("open file")).clicked() { if let Some(path) = rfd::FileDialog::new().pick_file() { self.selected_tab = self.open_file(&path); } } ui.separator(); let _ = self.list_files(ui, Path::new("/home/penwing/Documents/")); ui.separator(); }); } fn draw_terminal_panel(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context) { egui::TopBottomPanel::bottom("terminal") .default_height(TERMINAL_HEIGHT.clone()) .min_height(0.0) .show(ctx, |ui| { ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::bottom_up(egui::Align::LEFT), |ui| { ui.label(""); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.style_mut().visuals.extreme_bg_color = egui::Color32::from_hex("#101010").expect("Could not convert color"); let Self { command, .. } = self; ui.label(format!("{}>", env::current_dir().expect("Could not find Shell Environnment").file_name().expect("Could not get Shell Environnment Name").to_string_lossy().to_string())); let response = ui.add(egui::TextEdit::singleline(command).desired_width(f32::INFINITY).lock_focus(true)); if response.lost_focus() && ctx.input(|i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::Enter)) { self.command_history.push(tools::run_command(self.command.clone())); self.command = "".into(); response.request_focus(); } }); ui.separator(); egui::ScrollArea::vertical().stick_to_bottom(true).show(ui, |ui| { ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::top_down(egui::Align::LEFT), |ui| { ui.separator(); ui.horizontal_wrapped(|ui| { ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing.y = 0.0; for entry in &self.command_history { ui.label(format!("{}> {}", entry.env, entry.command)); ui.end_row(); if entry.output != "" { ui.label(&entry.output); ui.end_row(); } if entry.error != "" { ui.colored_label(RED, &entry.error); ui.end_row(); } } }); }); }); }); }); } fn draw_tab_panel(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context) { egui::TopBottomPanel::top("tabs") .resizable(false) .show(ctx, |ui| { ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.style_mut().visuals.selection.bg_fill = egui::Color32::from_hex("#b56524").expect("Could not convert color"); ui.style_mut().visuals.hyperlink_color = egui::Color32::from_hex("#ffad69").expect("Could not convert color"); for (index, tab) in self.tabs.clone().iter().enumerate() { let mut title = tab.get_name(); if !tab.saved { title += " ~"; } ui.selectable_value(&mut self.selected_tab, tools::TabNumber::from_n(index), title); if"X").clicked() { self.selected_tab = self.delete_tab(index); } ui.separator(); } if tools::TabNumber::from_n(self.tabs.len()) != tools::TabNumber::None { ui.selectable_value(&mut self.selected_tab, tools::TabNumber::Open, "+"); } if self.selected_tab == tools::TabNumber::Open { self.selected_tab = self.new_tab(); } }); }); } fn draw_content_panel(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context) { egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| { ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.label("Picked file:"); ui.monospace(self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()].path.to_string_lossy().to_string()); }); if self.selected_tab == tools::TabNumber::None { return } self.draw_code_file(ui); }); } fn draw_code_file(&mut self, ui: &mut egui::Ui) { let current_tab = &mut self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()]; let lines = current_tab.code.chars().filter(|&c| c == '\n').count() + 1; egui::ScrollArea::vertical().show(ui, |ui| { CodeEditor::default() .id_source("code editor") .with_rows(max(80, lines)) .with_fontsize(14.0) .with_theme(self.theme) .with_syntax(tools::to_syntax(¤t_tab.language)) .with_numlines(true) .show(ui, &mut current_tab.code); }); if current_tab.history.len() < 1 { current_tab.history.push(current_tab.code.clone()); } if ¤t_tab.code != current_tab.history.last().expect("There should be an history") { current_tab.history.push(current_tab.code.clone()); current_tab.saved = false; if current_tab.history.len() > HISTORY_LENGTH { current_tab.history.remove(0); } } } fn list_files(&mut self, ui: &mut egui::Ui, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(name) = path.file_name() { if path.is_dir() { egui::CollapsingHeader::new(name.to_string_lossy()).show(ui, |ui| { let mut paths: Vec<_> = fs::read_dir(&path).expect("Failed to read dir").map(|r| r.unwrap()).collect(); // Sort the vector using the custom sorting function paths.sort_by(|a, b| tools::sort_directories_first(a, b)); for result in paths { //let result = path_result.expect("Failed to get path"); //let full_path = result.path(); let _ = self.list_files(ui, &result.path()); } }); } else { //ui.label(name.to_string_lossy()); if ui.button(name.to_string_lossy()).clicked() { self.selected_tab = self.open_file(&path); } } } Ok(()) } fn open_file(&mut self, path: &Path) -> tools::TabNumber { if tools::TabNumber::from_n(self.tabs.len()) == tools::TabNumber::None { return tools::TabNumber::None } let new_tab = tools::Tab { path: path.into(), code: fs::read_to_string(path).expect("Not able to read the file"), language: path.to_str().unwrap().split('.').last().unwrap().into(), saved: true, history: vec![], }; self.tabs.push(new_tab); return tools::TabNumber::from_n(self.tabs.len() - 1) } fn new_tab(&mut self) -> tools::TabNumber { self.tabs.push(tools::Tab::default()); return tools::TabNumber::from_n(self.tabs.len() - 1) } fn delete_tab(&mut self, index : usize) -> tools::TabNumber { self.tabs.remove(index); return tools::TabNumber::from_n(min(index, self.tabs.len() - 1)) } fn save_tab(&self) -> Option { if self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()].path.file_name().expect("Could not get Tab Name").to_string_lossy().to_string() == "untitled" { return self.save_tab_as(); } else { if let Err(err) = fs::write(&self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()].path, &self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()].code) { eprintln!("Error writing file: {}", err); return None; } return Some(self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()].path.clone()) } } fn save_tab_as(&self) -> Option { if let Some(path) = rfd::FileDialog::new().save_file() { if let Err(err) = fs::write(&path, &self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()].code) { eprintln!("Error writing file: {}", err); return None; } return Some(path); } return None } fn undo(&mut self) { let current_tab = &mut self.tabs[self.selected_tab.to_n()]; if current_tab.history.len() < 2 { return } current_tab.code = current_tab.history[current_tab.history.len() - 2].clone(); current_tab.history.pop(); } }