mod tools; mod calcifer; use eframe::egui; use calcifer::code_editor::ColorTheme; use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc, time, thread}; use tools::Demo; use calcifer::code_editor::themes::DEFAULT_THEMES; const TERMINAL_HEIGHT : f32 = 200.0; const RED : egui::Color32 = egui::Color32::from_rgb(235, 108, 99); const SAVE_PATH : &str = "calcifer_save.json"; const TIME_LABELS : [&str; 5] = ["settings", "tree", "terminal", "tabs", "content"]; const MAX_FPS : f32 = 30.0; fn main() -> Result<(), eframe::Error> { tools::loaded(); let icon_data = tools::load_icon(); env_logger::init(); // Log to stderr (if you run with `RUST_LOG=debug`). let options = eframe::NativeOptions { viewport: egui::ViewportBuilder::default() .with_inner_size([1200.0, 800.0]) .with_icon(Arc::new(icon_data)), ..Default::default() }; let app_state: tools::AppState; // Attempt to load previous state if Path::new(SAVE_PATH).exists() { app_state = tools::load_state(SAVE_PATH).expect("Failed to load the save"); } else { app_state = tools::AppState { tabs: vec![], theme: 0, }; } eframe::run_native( "Calcifer v1.0.3", options, Box::new(move |_cc| Box::from(Calcifer::from_app_state(app_state))), ) } struct Calcifer { selected_tab : tools::TabNumber, tabs: Vec, command: String, command_history: Vec, theme: ColorTheme, search: tools::search::SearchWindow, searching: bool, debug_display: bool, time_watch: Vec, next_frame: time::Instant, } impl Default for Calcifer { fn default() -> Self { Self { selected_tab: tools::TabNumber::Zero, tabs: vec![tools::Tab::default()], command: String::new(), command_history: Vec::new(), theme: DEFAULT_THEMES[0], search: tools::search::SearchWindow::default(), searching: false, debug_display: false, time_watch: vec![0.0; TIME_LABELS.len()], next_frame: time::Instant::now(), } } } impl eframe::App for Calcifer { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) { thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs_f32(((1.0/MAX_FPS) - self.next_frame.elapsed().as_secs_f32()).max(0.0))); self.next_frame = time::Instant::now(); let mut watch = time::Instant::now(); if ctx.input( |i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::S) && i.modifiers.ctrl) { self.handle_save_file(self.save_tab()); } if ctx.input( |i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::T) && i.modifiers.ctrl) { self.indent_with_tabs(); } if ctx.input( |i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::S) && i.modifiers.ctrl && i.modifiers.shift) { self.handle_save_file(self.save_tab_as()); } if ctx.input( |i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::F) && i.modifiers.ctrl) { self.searching = !self.searching.clone(); if self.searching { = false; } } self.draw_settings(ctx); self.time_watch[0] = watch.elapsed().as_micros() as f32 / 1000.0; watch = time::Instant::now(); self.draw_tree_panel(ctx); self.time_watch[1] = watch.elapsed().as_micros() as f32 / 1000.0; watch = time::Instant::now(); self.draw_terminal_panel(ctx); self.time_watch[2] = watch.elapsed().as_micros() as f32 / 1000.0; watch = time::Instant::now(); self.draw_tab_panel(ctx); self.time_watch[3] = watch.elapsed().as_micros() as f32 / 1000.0; watch = time::Instant::now(); self.draw_content_panel(ctx); self.time_watch[4] = watch.elapsed().as_micros() as f32 / 1000.0; if self.searching {, &mut self.searching, &mut self.tabs, &mut self.selected_tab); } if ! && != self.selected_tab { self.selected_tab =; println!("changed tab to {}", self.selected_tab.to_index()); } = true; } fn on_exit(&mut self, _gl : std::option::Option<&eframe::glow::Context>) { self.save_state(); } }