//mod tools; use eframe::egui; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; const TERMINAL_HEIGHT : f32 = 200.0; fn main() -> Result<(), eframe::Error> { //tools::code_editor::linked(); env_logger::init(); // Log to stderr (if you run with `RUST_LOG=debug`). let options = eframe::NativeOptions { viewport: egui::ViewportBuilder::default() .with_inner_size([1200.0, 800.0]) .with_drag_and_drop(true), ..Default::default() }; eframe::run_native( "Calcifer", options, Box::new(|_cc| Box::::default()), ) } fn run_command(cmd : String) -> String { let command = "> ".to_owned() + &cmd.clone() + "\n"; let output = Command::new("sh") .arg("-c") .arg(cmd) .output() .expect("failed to execute process"); (command + &String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)).to_string() } struct MyApp { picked_path: Option, language: String, code: String, command: String, command_history: String, } impl Default for MyApp { fn default() -> Self { Self { picked_path: None, language: "rs".into(), code: "// A very simple example\nfn main() {\n\tprintln!(\"Hello world!\");\n}\n".into(), command: "".into(), command_history: "Welcome master".into(), } } } impl eframe::App for MyApp { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) { //tree panel egui::SidePanel::left("tree").show(ctx, |ui| { ui.label("Tree ?"); }); //terminal panel egui::TopBottomPanel::bottom("terminal").exact_height(TERMINAL_HEIGHT.clone()).show(ctx, |ui| { ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::bottom_up(egui::Align::LEFT), |ui| { ui.label(""); ui.horizontal(|ui| { let Self { command, .. } = self; ui.label(">"); let response = ui.add(egui::TextEdit::singleline(command).desired_width(f32::INFINITY).lock_focus(true)); if response.lost_focus() && ctx.input(|i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::Enter)) { self.command_history.push_str(&("\n".to_string() + &run_command(self.command.clone()))); self.command = "".into(); response.request_focus(); } }); egui::ScrollArea::vertical().show(ui, |ui| { ui.label(self.command_history.clone()); }); }); }); //code panel egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| { if ui.button("Open fileā€¦").clicked() { if let Some(path) = rfd::FileDialog::new().pick_file() { self.picked_path = Some(path.display().to_string()); let file_path = Path::new(self.picked_path.as_deref().unwrap_or_default()); self.code = fs::read_to_string(file_path).expect("Should have been able to read the file"); } } if let Some(picked_path) = &self.picked_path { ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.label("Picked file:"); ui.monospace(picked_path); }); } let Self { language, code, .. } = self; let theme = egui_extras::syntax_highlighting::CodeTheme::from_memory(ui.ctx()); let mut layouter = |ui: &egui::Ui, string: &str, wrap_width: f32| { let mut layout_job = egui_extras::syntax_highlighting::highlight(ui.ctx(), &theme, string, language); layout_job.wrap.max_width = wrap_width; ui.fonts(|f| f.layout_job(layout_job)) }; egui::ScrollArea::vertical().show(ui, |ui| { ui.add( egui::TextEdit::multiline(code) .font(egui::FontId::monospace(60.0)) // for cursor height .code_editor() .lock_focus(true) .desired_rows(20) .lock_focus(true) .desired_width(f32::INFINITY) .layouter(&mut layouter), ); }); }); } }