WanderingPenwing 440ec86cc7 broken
2024-10-06 15:36:10 +02:00

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use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::math::*;
use bevy::render::render_resource::PrimitiveTopology;
use bevy::render::render_asset::RenderAssetUsages;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::f64::consts::PI;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use rand::RngCore;
mod end_state;
const NORMAL_BUTTON: Color = Color::srgb(0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
const WRONG_BUTTON: Color = Color::srgb(0.50, 0.15, 0.15);
const RIGHT_BUTTON: Color = Color::srgb(0.15, 0.50, 0.15);
const EASYNESS: f32 = 1.5;
const MAX_STAR_SIZE: f32 = 0.63;
const STAR_SCALE: f32 = 0.02;
const SKY_RADIUS: f32 = 4.0;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct StarData {
#[serde(rename = "Dec")]
dec: String,
#[serde(rename = "HR")]
hr: String,
#[serde(rename = "K")]
k: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "RA")]
ra: String,
#[serde(rename = "V")]
v: String,
#[serde(rename = "C")]
constellation: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "F")]
f: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "B")]
bayer_designation: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "N")]
name: Option<String>,
#[derive(Resource, Default)]
struct Sky {
content: Vec<Constellation>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct Constellation {
#[serde(rename = "Name")]
name: String,
#[serde(rename = "RAh")]
rah: f64,
#[serde(rename = "DEd")]
dec: f64,
stars: Vec<StarPos>,
lines: Vec<[u32; 2]>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct StarPos {
id: usize,
#[serde(rename = "bfID")]
bfid: String,
#[serde(rename = "RAh")]
rah: f64,
#[serde(rename = "DEd")]
dec: f64,
struct Star;
struct AnswerButton;
struct HealthLabel;
struct ScoreLabel;
struct ConstellationLine;
struct StartMenu;
struct MainGame;
struct GameOver;
struct Player {
target_rotation: Option<Quat>,
target_cons_name: Option<String>,
score: usize,
health: usize,
thinking: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Hash, States)]
enum GameState {
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, star_setup)
.add_systems(Startup, cons_setup)
.add_systems(OnEnter(GameState::Start), start_ui_setup)
.add_systems(Update, start_menu_system.run_if(in_state(GameState::Start)))
.add_systems(OnExit(GameState::Start), despawn_screen::<StartMenu>)
.add_systems(OnEnter(GameState::Game), game_ui_setup)
.add_systems(Update, player_input.run_if(in_state(GameState::Game)))
.add_systems(Update, game_buttons.run_if(in_state(GameState::Game)))
.add_systems(Update, label_update.run_if(in_state(GameState::Game)))
.add_systems(OnExit(GameState::Game), despawn_screen::<MainGame>)
.add_systems(OnEnter(GameState::End), end_state::setup)
.add_systems(Update, end_state::buttons.run_if(in_state(GameState::End)))
.add_systems(OnExit(GameState::End), despawn_screen::<GameOver>)
fn start_ui_setup(mut commands: Commands, _asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
// Create a container node that places its children (text areas) in a vertical column and centers them
let container_node = NodeBundle {
style: Style {
width: Val::Percent(100.0), // Full width of the screen
height: Val::Percent(100.0), // Full height of the screen
flex_direction: FlexDirection::Column, // Arrange children in a column (vertical)
justify_content: JustifyContent::Center, // Center vertically
align_items: AlignItems::Center, // Center horizontally
// Create the container for the text areas
let container = commands.spawn(container_node).id();
// TextStyle for the top text (larger font)
let top_text_style = TextStyle {
font_size: 50.0, // Larger font size
color: Color::WHITE,
// font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"), // Load font if needed
// TextStyle for the bottom text (smaller font)
let bottom_text_style = TextStyle {
font_size: 30.0, // Smaller font size
color: Color::WHITE,
// font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Regular.ttf"), // Load font if needed
// TextBundle for the top text
let top_text_node = TextBundle::from_section(
"Astraea", // Text for the top section
// TextBundle for the bottom text
let bottom_text_node = TextBundle::from_section(
"Press Space to Begin", // Text for the bottom section
// Spawn the text nodes and add them as children to the container
let top_text = commands.spawn((top_text_node, StartMenu)).id();
let bottom_text = commands.spawn((bottom_text_node, StartMenu)).id();
commands.entity(container).push_children(&[top_text, bottom_text]);
Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Player {
target_rotation: None,
target_cons_name: None,
score: 0,
health: 3,
thinking: true,
fn spawn_cons_lines(
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
sky: Res<Sky>,
target_constellation_name: String,
) {
// Create a material for the line
let line_material = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
emissive: LinearRgba::rgb(0.5, 0.5, 1.0), // Red color for the line
let mut target_constellation = sky.content[0].clone();
for constellation in sky.content.clone() {
if == target_constellation_name {
target_constellation = constellation;
let mut vertices : Vec<Vec3> = vec![];
for line in target_constellation.lines {
for star_index in line {
let star = target_constellation.stars[star_index as usize].clone();
vertices.push(celestial_to_cartesian(star.rah, star.dec));
// Create the mesh and add the vertices
let mut mesh = Mesh::new(PrimitiveTopology::LineList, RenderAssetUsages::RENDER_WORLD);
mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, vertices);
PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(mesh),
material: line_material.clone(),
transform: Transform::default(), // Position and scale for the line
fn star_setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
// plane
let stars = get_stars().unwrap();
//let mesh = meshes.add(Cuboid::new(star_size, star_size, star_size));
let star_mesh = meshes.add(Sphere::new(1.0).mesh().ico(3).unwrap());
//let material = materials.add(Color::srgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
let star_material = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
emissive: LinearRgba::rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
for star in stars {
let star_pos = star_position(star.clone()) * SKY_RADIUS;
let star_mag = star.v.parse::<f32>().unwrap();
let mut star_size = STAR_SCALE * 2.512f32.powf(-star_mag*0.5);
if star.constellation.is_some() {
star_size *= EASYNESS;
star_size = star_size.min(MAX_STAR_SIZE*STAR_SCALE);
PbrBundle {
mesh: star_mesh.clone(),
material: star_material.clone(),
transform: Transform::from_xyz(star_pos.x, star_pos.y, star_pos.z)
fn get_stars() -> std::io::Result<Vec<StarData>> {
let mut file = File::open("data/stars.json")?;
let mut data = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut data)?;
let stars: Vec<StarData> = serde_json::from_str(&data).unwrap();
fn star_position(star_data: StarData) -> Vec3 {
// Convert declination to decimal degrees
let text_ra = star_data.ra;
let text_dec = star_data.dec;
let ra_seconds: f64 = 3600.0 * text_ra[0..2].parse::<f64>().unwrap()
+ 60.0 * text_ra[4..6].parse::<f64>().unwrap()
+ text_ra[8..12].parse::<f64>().unwrap();
// Parse Dec
let formated_dec = text_dec
.replace("°", " ")
.replace("", " ")
.replace("", " ");
let dec_parts: Vec<&str> = formated_dec.split_whitespace().collect();
let dec_deg: f64 = dec_parts[0].parse::<f64>().unwrap()
+ dec_parts[1].parse::<f64>().unwrap() / 60.0
+ dec_parts[2].parse::<f64>().unwrap() / 3600.0;
celestial_to_cartesian(ra_seconds/3600.0, dec_deg)
fn celestial_to_cartesian(rah: f64, ded: f64) -> Vec3 {
let y_rot = 2.0 * PI * rah / 24.0;
let x_rot = 2.0 * PI * ded / 360.0;
let x : f32 = (y_rot.sin() * x_rot.cos()) as f32;
let y : f32 = x_rot.sin() as f32;
let z : f32 = (y_rot.cos() * x_rot.cos()) as f32;
Vec3::new(x, y, z)
fn cons_setup(mut sky: ResMut<Sky>) {
sky.content = get_cons().unwrap();
fn get_cons() -> std::io::Result<Vec<Constellation>> {
let mut file = File::open("data/constellations.json")?;
let mut data = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut data)?;
let sky_data: Vec<Constellation> = serde_json::from_str(&data).unwrap();
fn game_ui_setup(mut commands: Commands, _asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
// Create a container node that places its children (buttons) at the bottom of the screen
let container_node = NodeBundle {
style: Style {
width: Val::Percent(100.0), // Full width of the screen
height: Val::Percent(100.0), // Full height of the screen
flex_direction: FlexDirection::Row, // Arrange children in a row (horizontal)
justify_content: JustifyContent::Center, // Center horizontally
align_items: AlignItems::FlexEnd, // Place at the bottom of the screen
padding: UiRect::all(Val::Px(10.0)), // Optional padding
// Button style (same for all buttons)
let button_style = Style {
width: Val::Px(150.0),
height: Val::Px(65.0),
margin: UiRect::all(Val::Px(10.0)), // Add margin between buttons
justify_content: JustifyContent::Center, // Center text horizontally
align_items: AlignItems::Center, // Center text vertically
border: UiRect::all(Val::Px(5.0)),
// Create the container for the buttons
let container = commands.spawn(container_node).id();
// Function to create buttons with different text
for _i in 1..=4 {
let button_node = ButtonBundle {
style: button_style.clone(),
border_color: BorderColor(Color::BLACK),
background_color: NORMAL_BUTTON.into(),
let button_text_node = TextBundle::from_section(
TextStyle {
//font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"), // Load font
font_size: 15.0,
color: Color::srgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9),
// Spawn the button and its text as children of the container
let button = commands.spawn((button_node, MainGame)).id();
let button_text = commands.spawn((button_text_node, AnswerButton, MainGame)).id();
// Label style for top corners
let label_style = Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute, // Absolute positioning
width: Val::Auto, // Auto width to fit text
height: Val::Auto, // Auto height to fit text
margin: UiRect::all(Val::Px(10.0)), // Margin around the text
// Top left label
let top_left_label_node = TextBundle {
style: Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
left: Val::Px(10.0),
top: Val::Px(10.0),
text: Text::from_section(
"* * *", // Text content
TextStyle {
// font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
font_size: 30.0,
color: Color::WHITE,
// Top right label
let top_right_label_node = TextBundle {
style: Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
right: Val::Px(10.0),
top: Val::Px(10.0),
text: Text::from_section(
"0000", // Text content
TextStyle {
// font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
font_size: 30.0,
color: Color::WHITE,
// Spawn the top left and top right labels
commands.spawn((top_left_label_node, MainGame, HealthLabel));
commands.spawn((top_right_label_node, MainGame, ScoreLabel));
fn choose_constellation(
player: &mut Player,
sky: Res<Sky>, // Res to access the Sky resource
mut text_query: Query<&mut Text, With<AnswerButton>>,
mut button_query: Query<(&mut BackgroundColor, &mut BorderColor), With<Button>>, // Query to reset button colors
constellation_line_query : Query<(Entity, &ConstellationLine)>,
mut commands: Commands,
mut game_state: ResMut<NextState<GameState>>
) {
if == 0 {
if sky.content.len() >= 4 {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut selected_constellations = sky.content.clone();
selected_constellations.shuffle(&mut rng);
let constellations = &selected_constellations[0..4];
let target_index = rng.next_u32().rem_euclid(4) as usize;
let target_constellation = &constellations[target_index];
let target_rotation = Quat::from_rotation_arc(
-celestial_to_cartesian(target_constellation.rah, target_constellation.dec),
player.target_rotation = Some(target_rotation);
player.target_cons_name = Some(;
info!("Target constellation: {}",;
for (i, mut text) in text_query.iter_mut().enumerate() {
text.sections[0].value = constellations[i].name.clone();
for (mut bg_color, mut border_color) in &mut button_query {
*bg_color = NORMAL_BUTTON.into();
*border_color = Color::BLACK.into();
for (entity, _line) in constellation_line_query.iter() {
player.thinking = true;
} else {
info!("Not enough constellations in the sky (need 4)");
fn player_input(
keys: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut player_query: Query<(&mut Player, &mut Transform)>, // Query to get Player and Transform
sky: Res<Sky>, // Res to access the Sky resource
text_query: Query<&mut Text, With<AnswerButton>>,
button_query: Query<(&mut BackgroundColor, &mut BorderColor), With<Button>>, // Query to reset button colors
constellation_line_query : Query<(Entity, &ConstellationLine)>,
commands: Commands,
game_state: ResMut<NextState<GameState>>
) {
if let Ok((mut player, mut transform)) = player_query.get_single_mut() {
// If the space key was just pressed
if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) || player.target_cons_name.is_none() {
choose_constellation(&mut player, sky, text_query, button_query, constellation_line_query, commands, game_state);
let mut rotation = Quat::IDENTITY;
// Rotate left when the A key is pressed
if keys.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) {
rotation *= Quat::from_rotation_y((PI / 60.0) as f32); // Rotate by 3 degrees (PI/60 radians)
// Rotate right when the D key is pressed
if keys.pressed(KeyCode::KeyD) {
rotation *= Quat::from_rotation_y((-PI / 60.0) as f32); // Rotate by -3 degrees
// Apply the rotation to the transform
if rotation != Quat::IDENTITY {
transform.rotation *= rotation; // Apply the rotation
player.target_rotation = None;
if let Some(target_rotation) = player.target_rotation {
let current_rotation = transform.rotation;
transform.rotation = current_rotation.slerp(target_rotation, 0.1);
if transform.rotation.angle_between(target_rotation) < 0.01 {
player.target_rotation = None;
fn start_menu_system(
keys: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut game_state: ResMut<NextState<GameState>>,
mut player_query: Query<(&mut Player, &mut Transform)>
) {
if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
info!("start space");
if let Ok((_player, mut transform)) = player_query.get_single_mut() {
let mut rotation = Quat::IDENTITY;
rotation *= Quat::from_rotation_y((PI / 6000.0) as f32); // Rotate by 3 degrees (PI/60 radians)
rotation *= Quat::from_rotation_x((-PI / 2000.0) as f32); // Rotate by -3 degrees
transform.rotation *= rotation; // Apply the rotation
fn label_update(
mut param_set: ParamSet<(
Query<&mut Text, With<HealthLabel>>,
Query<&mut Text, With<ScoreLabel>>,
mut player_query: Query<(&mut Player, &mut Transform)>,
) {
if let Ok((player, _)) = player_query.get_single_mut() {
// Update the health label
if let Ok(mut health_text) = param_set.p0().get_single_mut() {
health_text.sections[0].value = "# ".repeat(;
// Update the score label
if let Ok(mut score_text) = param_set.p1().get_single_mut() {
score_text.sections[0].value = format!("{}", player.score);
fn game_buttons(
mut interaction_query: Query<
&mut BackgroundColor,
&mut BorderColor,
mut text_query: Query<&mut Text, With<AnswerButton>>,
mut player_query: Query<&mut Player>,
commands: Commands,
meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
sky: Res<Sky>
) {
if let Ok(mut player) = player_query.get_single_mut() {
if !player.thinking {
let mut pressed_button: Option<String> = None;
for (
) in &mut interaction_query {
if *interaction == Interaction::Pressed {
if let Ok(text) = text_query.get_mut(children[0]) {
pressed_button = Some(text.sections[0].value.clone());
if let Some(selected_cons) = pressed_button {
if let Some(target_cons) = player.target_cons_name.clone() {
spawn_cons_lines(commands, meshes, materials, sky, target_cons.clone());
if target_cons == selected_cons {
player.score += 100;
} else { -= 1;
player.thinking = false;
for (
mut color,
mut border_color,
) in &mut interaction_query {
if let Ok(text) = text_query.get_mut(children[0]) {
let button_text = text.sections[0].value.clone();
*color = if button_text == target_cons {
} else {
border_color.0 = if button_text == selected_cons {
} else {
// Generic system that takes a component as a parameter, and will despawn all entities with that component
fn despawn_screen<T: Component>(to_despawn: Query<Entity, With<T>>, mut commands: Commands) {
for entity in &to_despawn {